What you need to know - Telehealth!
What is Required to Connect to my Telehealth Appointment?
1. to be set up with your Patient Portal account
2. Google Chrome web browser to sign into your Patient Portal account online.
3. A microphone and webcam - an IPad or computer
4. A secure internet connection.
How do I Connect to my Telehealth Appointment via the patient portal?
Find the appropriate appointment date in your list of upcoming appointments at the bottom of the main screen
Click “Join Meeting”
Allow Azalea Health to access your camera and microphone by selecting “Continue allowing www.AzaleaHealth.com to access your microphone”
Wait for Dr Hedge to join you
If you are having trouble with connecting with Dr Hedge please contact Azalea Health’s support team at 877-777-7686 ext. 3 from Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m eastern time